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Suminoe Office

The Old American Office renovation project, themed "Old American" and "Garage Office," significantly reimagines traditional office environments to offer spaces suited to contemporary work styles. Amid the growing interest in work environments driven by the IT revolution, this project emphasizes employee autonomy and aims to create a workspace that fosters ease of work and efficiency.

While we primarily focuse on residential projects, we also handle office design and construction to meet client needs. This Old American Office project prioritizes individual employee comfort and ease of work. The key concepts of the project are as follows:


This area enhances team cohesion by providing a space where members can casually drop by and interact. It serves as the foundation for the team, supporting flexible working styles.


Spaces are dedicated to individual tasks, allowing for deep concentration and creativity.

Work Lounge:

A space designed for casual conversations and meetings among colleagues, where employees can work comfortably. The area features seating of varying heights and shapes to distinguish it from the main work area, promoting different types of communication and ideas.

Modern Design.

Through a unique combination of engineering, construction and design

Luxurious Facilities.

Through a unique combination of engineering, construction and design


A relaxation area for coffee breaks or lunchtime, fostering serendipitous encounters and new interactions in a calm atmosphere.

Co-Creation Area:

This space supports free-thinking and is used for internal and external collaborations, training, and events. It features a design that combines a sense of solidity with an open feel.


Soundproof private rooms are available for tasks requiring high concentration or confidential discussions, allowing for deep thought without interruptions.

This office renovation project aims to enhance employee comfort and satisfaction, thereby contributing to improved corporate performance and growth. The Old American Office provides an advanced office environment tailored to modern work styles, offering a space where employees can thrive.

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